shifting medium

I am trying to set a rhythm here where morning are for working on projects and doing things, and afternoons are just relaxing and basking in the sun.

I have yet to fully embark E on the Project based learning track.  It has not clicked for him yet.  But in the mean time, I am being patient, and I set out invitations regularly to have him become more fluent in a variety of ways to express himself.

Recently, we have been working with paint a lot.  E has always enjoyed this, and I am giving him time to explore, and maybe hit another level if he is ready to.

I set out an acrylic paint invitation this morning, using colors of summer.  Green, yellow and whites mainly.  You can see the result in the first picture up.

He started painting naturally as soon as he got on the paper, talking at the same time about a worm he had just saw outside.  But it was clear that he was not into it.  And I didn’t know which way to stir him to.  But then, the temptation to use his fingers was just too big, and he left his paintbrush aside, and just started to trace in the paint.

I asked him if he would be more interested in changing mediums, or if he was happy with the current one.  He then immediately asked for the foam paint again.

Although the first time he wasn’t sure of it, this time, he dove right in.  I really saw a difference in the approach he had.  And I really felt a difference in his relation with the medium he was using.  The shift has made the difference.  He was there, aware and enjoying every bit of it.

I used blue and yellow, I wanted him to repeat the experience of making green.

which happened quite quickly.  I made him aware of this by saying” look, you mixed some of the blue with the yellow, what can you see?”

I love this picture of his hands firmly planted in the paint, handling it through all his fingers, feeling it completely.

This experience is really about the process and NOT the product.  Pictures aside, there isn’t much left of the experience.  But I think it was more fulfilling for E, he seemed to have a need for that, and he clearly expressed it by simply tracing a shy finger through his earlier painting.  Good thing I was paying attention!

The paint we use is discount school supply’s foam paint.  It is very interesting to play with, a bit messy, but easy to clean.  I am sure shaving cream and either a few drops of paint of food coloring could have a similar effect.

shifting medium

2 thoughts on “shifting medium

  1. This is fantastic! (And yes, we’ve used food coloring with shaving cream and it is definitely a similar effect.) I have a two year old, too, and it’s amazing how subtle their cues are…but when you pick up on a need it is so satisfying to see how much they enjoy themselves!

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